Our Suppliers
At FDL Catering, we’re all about supporting the local community. Local stores, local farmers & artisans supply as many products as possible. "Locality" and "Seasonality" are concepts we fully embrace sourcing out the highest quality ingredients from the most responsible vendors.

Denise Popwell
Denise Popwell is the hard working woman behind Popwell's Produce. Farming runs in her veins. For generations, her family has been farming in Chilton County making sure central Alabama residents have the best and freshest Peaches (and every other kind of produce) you can find. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, you can find her working her produce booth at The Montgomery Curb Market.

Bad Goat Greens
Andrew and Meghan Baker are passionate; about nature, farming, their family and growing healthy crops. This passion lead them to practice no-till, regenerative farming. Only natural fertilizers, no GMO's, no pesticides, no chemicals. Producing some of the best tasting greens and vegetables available, and the fact they are organic and local is just that much more of a reason to have them as a supplier. BAD GOAT GREENS and FDL share common ideals on quality, locality and sustainability. We are thrilled to be able to share their incredible produce with all our clients! Visit Bad Goat Greens or come see them on Saturdays at the Montgomery Curb Market.

Bubba Maddox
Based in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, Bubba Maddox takes his boat out into the Gulf of Mexico for 9 days at a time and brings back thousands of pounds of beautiful fresh shrimp. Following tradition and the call of the sea, Bubba graduated high school and began his career of dropping and dragging nets and providing the Gulf Coast the freshest shrimp around!

David & Betty Maddox
Mrs. Betty is our Tomato Maven and Mr. David, AKA "Paps" is our Garden Guru. The Maddox's are a staple at the Montgomery Curb Market (as well as Denise Popwell's Grandparents. but no relation to Bubba the Shrimp Man). Heirloom tomatoes are their thing, and they have the best in the area...and thats why we love them! Great people. Great produce.

Destin Connection
David Scott know his fish. The owner of Destin Connection Fish Market for over 20 years, Davis has been the purveyor of the freshest Gulf seafood you can get unless you go out on a boat and get it yourself!
Snapper, Tuna, Oysters, Crawfish; if it swims, he can get the best!